My last blog entry was March 6th. YIKES! I used to blog daily the first few weeks when I got here, and now I can't even come up with things to tell you once a week. Ok, so maybe I can and I just haven't been keeping up. I'll TRY to get back in to the habit of blogging at least once a week again. They might just be short and sweet. So what have I been up to the last month?
Well, a new school year began, and I miss my old classes, but love my new ones, so I can't complain! I was the only teacher to keep my Kindergarten class. I haven't decided if that was a good thing or a bad thing. All the other teachers seem to miss their old classes, while I can't seem to keep mine under control. My third year Kinders are becoming quite conversational in English now, which is great overall! But, along with that comes more of an ability to say mean things to friends, talk back to your teacher, and refuse things they didn't have a choice in months ago because they didn't understand. It's been amazing to see how much they have improved since I started teaching them seven months ago. While I have more days than not where I am ready to pull my hair out before Kindergarten is over, I would say I'm overall very happy that I got to keep my Kinders for the entire year I will be hear. They make me smile more than you can imagine! However, that also means a much harder good bye in just a few months.
Other than the long and often exhausting work weeks, I've been thrown into a bit of a panic when realizing that I only have five months left here. That may seem like a lot to you, but time is NOT slowing down. I am certainly excited to see my family and friends and begin school again, but I am not ready to leave Korea in five months, and I don't know if I will be in five months. But the fact of the matter is that I will be so, I am doing my best to keep hold of the time I have left and enjoy every moment. The last few weeks have included St. Patrick's Day outings with green beer (I don't even drink beer and I liked this stuff), double night Noraebonging, pictures with Flat Alli (friend of Flat Stanley, the traveling doll), and welcoming friends (two Gusties) to Korea.
Otherwise, today was a wonderful day...the most beautiful day of the year, in my mind...EASTER! It was sunny and cool all weekend, but beautiful weather to be outside in. I went for a long walk alone, watched movies (three), worked out, talked to my family in different places, and went to church and brunch with the girls this morning. It was a perfect Easter Sunday, besides that I wasn't with my family (I'll see them soon enough)! As we left church, a group of absolutely adorable Korean children dressed in every different animal costume came running up to us on the street handing out little Easter made my entire day! All in all, this was a quite relaxing weekend. As the spring weather continues to arrive, I'll be spending more time outdoors again on the mountains and hopefully do some weekend traveling. If you visited family and friends for the weekend, I hope you had safe and enjoyable travels.EASTER BLESSINGS EVERYONE...CHRIST IS RISEN, HE IS RISEN INDEED, ALLELUIA!

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