Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Good Bye For Now!
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Good with the Bad
NOT FUN THINGS (saving the best for last is always better):
-Losing Rachel- What a sad loss! She was so smart for her age. My little Rachel, who hadn't missed a day of class since I
started didn't come to school one Thursday and Friday. I for sure thought she had H1N1, but never expected to hear that she wouldn't be back. On Monday, my 2:30pm elementary class was interrupted when my supervisor came in to
tell me that Rachel was leaving LCI, as her family was going to take some time away to travel. It was such a shock that I immediately started crying. We took one last picture together as I was in tears, her parents thanked me for being such a good teacher, and then she was gone. Needless to say, I was a pretty ineffective teacher the rest of the day. Rachel wasn't even my favorite student, and I was so sad to see her leave. I can't imagine how attached I'm going to be to ALL my students after a year!
-Battling Bronchitis- I'm feeling better now, but I should be from the drug overdose I was on the last week. The Korean doctor I saw prescribed a shot in the rear and six pills, thee time a day for my first case of my never failing winter Bronchitis!
-Korean Funeral- It never once crossed my mind that I would be attending a Korean funeral when I came here. In Kore
a, funerals are the most important event to attend for a family/friend. Last week, our Korean supervisor's
(Lucy) mother, who we knew was sick, passed away. The funeral started the day she died and lasted for the next three days. They take place in the hospital on a "funeral wing" in large public rooms. No embalming is done; there is just a large photo surrounded by many huge, beautiful flower bouquets. Each of us (teachers) placed a flower on the alter and shared a moment in silence with Lucy's family (similar to a wake in the US). After, we entered the room next door to enjoy a traditional Korean meal. Certainly sad, but another unique cultural experience to take home. I'm glad we could all be there for Lucy.
-Thanksgiving- I was lucky enough to celebrate Chusok (Korean Thanksgiving) with fam

ily in October, and then our English staff celebrated our Thanksgiving together! We all pitched in for a potluck style meal that truly turned into a feast! Although we didn't have turkey, green been casserole, or pumpkin pie, we did have rotisserie chicken (hot dog flavored-a surprise to us!),
corn, vegetable and fruit trays, twice bakes potatoes, salad with feta cheese, grits, a DELICIOUS homemade apple pie, and many bottles of wine! We ended the night (or morning) together around 3:30am after an evening full or Noraebong (Karaoke) singing...what a blast!
-Decorating My Apartment- Across the street from our school is a Korean version of the Dollar Store, which I LOVE! I bought garland, bows, poinsettias, and bunch of fun hanging decorations to get my apartment in the Christmas spirit. It was a blast decorating my own
-Christmas Card Making Party: Britney, Shuana, and I cozied up in my apartment with hot chocolate, ice cream, songpyeon (the delicious Korean rice cakes), and Christmas music to make Christmas cards. None of us got anywhere near done with them, but it was such a relaxing evening kicking off the holiday
-Kevin K.- I got a third new student last week. I now have a Kevin and a Kevin K. Our Korean sta
ff asked his parents to change his English name, so they went from Kevin to Kevin K. Too funny! I was told he was a good reader, but would have trouble speaking and understanding me,
so I was worried. Turns out, he's my smartest boy in the class...and SO CUTE!
-New Glasses- Not that exciting for you, but certainly fun to tell that I got a new pair of glasses for a total price of 35,000 won, which would be less that $35! Can you believe that? I'm still in shock. I went to one of the big markets in Seoul where there are glasses shops every other direction. They checked my eyes (for free) on the spot and had my new glasses ready in 20 minutes! Can't get any better than that- and yes, I can see out of them!

-Shauna's Birthday!- Most recently, we celebrated Shauna's 23rd birthday.
We had another fun night out bar hopping in Seoul. Let's just say, it's a good thing we don't live in Seoul- way too much fun to do that often! :)
So...I guess I had more to share than I thought! Life continues to be busy as we are all getting our classrooms decorated for Christmas and getting gifts sent home for the holidays. Time has been going so fast that I thankfully haven't been able to get too sad in the weeks leading up to Christmas. I still can't imagine not being home for the holiday, but I'm sure I'll be having quite a good time in Hong Kong!
Monday, November 23, 2009
The Last Few Weeks

It's been a while since I wrote. After my trip to Taiwan, it didn't seem like anything could be that exciting to write about. However, the past two weeks have been filled with fun. Britney's birthday was Sunday, November 15th, so we headed to Seoul to celebrate the night before. On Saturday evening, we had a delicious Thai dinner and then had a fun night of bar hopping in Itaewon. Some of the evenings highlights include: dinner, of course; free drinks for women at one bar; my first picture with a Korean after three months of being here; my friend Zeb's dance moves; running into our other teacher's out that evening; and all the fun pictures we got on a great night out in the city! On Sunday, we (London, Shuana, and I) knocked on Britney's door to surprise her with her favorite Korean cake, Hapy (

Not much new has happened in school. Since the school closure, the chatter of H1N1 has come to a calm. Kids are slowly coming back to school and we don't hear much of the flu anymore. I even got two new kindergarten students, Richard and Haily, who are cousins and very cute!
On Friday, I headed to Jeonju once again to spend the weekend with my aunt and uncle who are leaving at the end of December. I didn't catch a bus until 10:30pm, so I arrived around 1:00am to uncle Bob waiting for me at the bus station. (Oh! When I left Su
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My surprise vacation in Taiwan!
My last blog was written in anticipation of an unexpected but well needed trip to Taiwan after school had been closed for a week to take "preventative measures" against an H1N1 outbreak. The cancellation was announced Friday after school, and Shauna, Britney, and I spent the next 24 hours planning our trip around Taiwan.
With very little sleep, we started our full day of traveling at 5:30am Sunday morning on
With hostels, you never know what you're going to get. Well, we got LUCKY! We had a very clean hostel with a husband (Terry- Canadian) and wife (EE- Taiwanese) who owned it and both spoke w
Monday morning, Terry met us at the hostel to give us a ride to Baishawan Beach, about 15 minutes away and picked us up again that afternoon. The wind and clouds (from their first "winter storm" passing through) weren't what we had hoped for, but the beach was nothing less than perfect! The first hour was ours alone on the beautiful,

Tuesday morning, the sun was shinning brighter than we could have hoped for, but the wind was still strong. We decided to venture to a new beach that we soon realized was a mistake as it w

Had we known how perfect we had it down south, we probably would have stayed a

Friday morning, we had plans to call yet ANOTHER Taiwanese friend that we had met

The week flew by, as they always do, and we were back on our plane home by noon on Saturday. We safely returned to Suji (our city) around 6:30pm that evening. I was so excited about the trip that I had my dad (and brother who were up at early for deer hunting opener) wake up my mom at 4:30AM to tell my family all about the trip! I am still in shock of how many truly generous and friendly people we met in Taiwan! We have been in Korea for over two months and haven't met any Korean friends our age, yet we met several people who wanted to be our friends within a day of being in Taiwan. When we got off the plane, we knew it was back to reality with the always rushing Koreans making their way home from the airport as well. Tomorrow will finish our first week after the break and I can tell you that my patience and energy has been renewed! I have found myself a much better teacher after the break. Now, it's only a month and 12 days before I'm flying to Hong Kong for my Christmas vacation!
Friday, October 30, 2009
LCI's First Ever Halloween Spirit Week!
Monday- Pajama Day!
Tuesday- Crazy Hair Day!
Wednesday- Backwards Day!
Thursday- Sports Day!
Friday- Halloween Dress up!
Those were the exciting parts of the week...now for the exhausting. As I mentioned two months ago when I arrived, many parents were very worried about the amount of time we were here
As exciting as that is, for now, we have lost a week's pay and the options for making that time up are LESS THAN THRILLING. One of the teachers said, "If we have to work five, six day weeks (Saturdays) in a row, someone REALLY will die!" So that option has been eliminated and talk of taking winte
Monday, October 26, 2009
A wonderful weekend!
Anyway...Britney and I hiked for about 45 minutes when we came to a funny plateau on the mountain. There was an array of things for people resting from their hike to do: rings, parallel bars, the standard exercise equipment, over sized hula hoops, some funny tire contraptions to stretch your back, and even bench press weights! A little odd to say the least, but we took our rest and continued on our way. Much different from when I lived in upstate NY for a summer, we saw MANY more Koreans hiking than I saw people in NY. Everyone here does it from ladies my grandmothers age to
It was all worth it! Two and a half hours later we sat on the top boulder of a beautiful mountain overlooking many col
Shortly after we headed back down, another Korean gentleman seemed to appear on our right out of no where! He immediately asked if we were teaching English. Of course, after we responded yes, we ended up walking the entire way down with him. He asked all about us and our experience here, told us about his four years living in the US as a reporter, and insisted he was so grateful to talk to us because his English was so poor. He gave us an example of Korean's trouble with pronunciations when he said a word that I understood as "piñata" when he was actually saying "vineyard" (yup, don't know where I got that one from) and he said most Koreans say as "vine yard" (two separate words). It was actually quite humorous, but in general, he spoke very understandable English. When we got to the point where we though we had to split to go back on our same path, we turned around to see a woman not far behind us. He looked back at her, giggled, and then turned to us saying, "Oh..that's my wife!" It was too funny...he left his wife to come practice his English with us! At that point, he promised us that his way down was much shorter than the way we came and promised to help us get back by bus. At this point, it was 5:30pm and with the sun sure to set soon, we followed him the rest of the way. Without our bus passes or the correct money, he kindly paid for us to come home with him. As we sat next to his wife and him, his wife began talking. He translated for us. My wife said, "It is good for me to speak with you to practice my English....but it is sure BORING for her!" Oh the dear lady! She knew what it meant for her husband to practice his English with us, so she let him walk ahead with us the entire way! Had we known she was behind us, we at least would have waited for her to walk along with us while we talked. To top it off, in this overpopulated country of Korea, he ended up living in the high rise apartments right behind ours. So, he literally walked us home. He also offered to take Britney and hiking up the most popular mountain in Seoul next weekend for the peak of the leaves changing! I know you're not going to like this uncle Bob, but we exchanged numbers with him because we couldn't pass up the offer. If he calls, we can't say no! We did also offer to answer any questions he has about the meaning and pronunciation of English words as he said he reads lots of English articles and is very particular about understanding them and saying the words correctly. I might be a bit naive, but I didn't see the harm! He was so kind in helping us that day, that I couldn't say no to him. Besides...if it weren't for him, Britney and I might still be on that mountain!
The night ended at 4:30am (Sunday morning) after our (Britney, London, and I) first night out in Seoul and a long and expensive cab ride home. The driver clearly didn't understand where we were going, so about 20 minutes past where we thought we should have been, we ended up calling the FREE ENGLISH TRANSLATION number posted on his window. At 65,000 won, he ended up clearing the meter, turning around to get us home, and charging us only 45,000 won, which is still more than the 39,000 anyone has ever paid to get home from Seoul in a cab. However, we made it home and all felt bad that he lost quite a bit of money that night.
The next morning, or afternoon I should say, s
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Good Friends...New and Old!
What a busy week! On top of the usual weekly grading of spelling tests and essay along with journal reports
about each Kindergarten student, we had a lot more work. Our classrooms are soon to be judged for our creative artistic ability in decorating for Halloween. Teachers have literally gone all out to make their classrooms as SPOOKY as possible before the festivities begin Halloween week. Just like elementary school, we will have a dress up week including: pajama day (my favorite in elementary school), crazy hair day, sports day, backwards day, and of course, Halloween costumes! I never thought of myself as too creative, but I think I did quite a good job on my room! There are scary spiders crawling around all my walls, ghosts flying around the ceiling, Christine Teacher witch and her student witches lingering around the board, a cauldron of creepy eyeballs with BAD STUDENTS brewing, and a path of my Kindergarten students walking through the woods to get their Halloween candy at a haunted house! You can about imagine how long this all took. As well as the decorating that consumed all my spare time this week, we also had to create our monthly test that is coming up again soon. Friday was a breeze as my morning was spent celebrating Kevin's birthday. Again...tons of presents and food: spaghetti, frie
d chicken, pizza, cookies, Korean rice cakes, chocolate cake, fruit, juice...at least the birthday boy didn't throw up this time! PLEASE look at the cute comb over and Kevin's birthday suit...absolutely adorable!Needless to say, my week flew by again!
We had a special visitor in Korea for a short time...Britney's dad! Exactly 30 years ago, he was teaching English in Japan and will be returning as a special teacher for a short time. He stopped here to visit Britney and see the area before heading back to the school he taught at. He treated Shauna, myself, and Britney to a delicious duck Galbi and wine dinner on Friday...thanks Tom! Saturday, I took the day to rest...sleeping in, working out, responding to emails, and making an EXCITING Saturday night trip to E-Mart (another Walmart/Target type store). My best purchase was a cute down winter coat for only 30,000 won (about $27)! I knew I didn't need to waste the room in my luggage to bring one when you can get them for such great prices here...I got lucky!
Today, was such a fun day! Last time Shauna and I attended the International Lutheran Church for our first time, it took us an hour and forty five minutes to get there between the bus and subway. On our way home, I happen
ed to recognize a different Suji numbered bus at the same stop we got off at for the Rent musical, only a few blocks from the church! So, today I ventured on my own and got to church in less than an hour! The service was so great filled with MANY of my favorite traditional hymns (Shine Jesus Shine, You who Dwell in the Shelter of the Lord, I the Lord of Sea and Sky) and a baptism of a beautiful little Korean girl (maybe about three years old). I don't know what it was about today that brought me to tears so many times during the service, but it was wonderful. Maybe it was that I hadn't seen a baptism in a while, but welcoming a new beautiful child into the family of Christ was especially moving for me today. I may have been a little creepy taking pictures, but it was so neat! The greatest part came after the service though...the traditional LUTHERAN POTLUCK! I was supposed to be meeting friends for lunch, but couldn't pass it up! We played a fun game to get to know the congregation members and then the feast began! By the time I sat down, the only open seat was at a table with three Korean men...one a doctor from Suwon near me, one who got his masters at the U of M, and the other who sang a beautiful solo in church and has been to St. Paul twice...small world! They all spoke great English and were SO fun to socialize with. The International Lutheran Church is a WONDERFUL community that I am so glad to now be a part of!
I still met my friends for lunch, but didn't eat...000ps! Today I met Zeb, an OLD friend from college, who just arrive a week ago today. I also met and NEW friend, Sarah, a girl who I had been connected with through other mutual friends. Don't get me wrong, I love all the people I have been hanging around with so far, but it
was so nice to meet up with more friends. We had lunch in Itaewon (the foreign district), found the English book store, and then I took them to the very fun, artsy area called Insadong. Then we headed back to Itaewon for dinner at a delicious Thai restaurant, and I picked up mom and dad's Christmas present that I bought earlier and didn't want to lug around all day. After all the shopping today, I must admit, I have some buyers remorse, but I did get most of my Christmas shopping done...thank goodness! The best part though was certainly the time spent with wonderful friends in my new home that I have grown to love!
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